What is Mission Scope?
The most current mission scope we operate under was revised and has been in place since 2010 after being voted on by the LAC (Ride Captains, SRC’s) and ratified by our Board of Directors. It helps guide our leaders as to what is an approved MN PG mission and what isn’t.
The Mission scope ensures that we don’t take away from the great things that other organizations do or play preferences by offering services to one and not another for a like event. It ensures that we don’t leave families feeling that their veteran is more important to us than another’s by offering different services in different parts of the state. It upholds our Gold Star families who felt that being a flagline for "show" took away from our presence at a very difficult time for them. Most important, it keeps the flag line sacred for those who gave all and have served. Failure to follow the mission scope causes unnecessary hurt to those we are held to uphold - our military, veterans, and their families.
The MN PG Mission Scope is located under the Member Documents on our website (www.mnpatriotguard.org). If you have any questions, please contact missions@mnpatriotguard.org or your local Ride Captain. Thank you for all you do!